Aliso Viejo 92656

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Aliso Viejo Soka Univ

93.3% of Aliso Viejo is in the 92656 zip code.

92656 Aliso Viejo

Capistrano Unified School District Attendance Boundaries

MLS Search of the Aliso Viejo Neighborhood of Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 by Tract

Altisse (ALT) | Applause (APP) | Audubon Hillcrest (AHL) | Audobon Laguna Vista (ALV) | Audubon Seacliff Court (ACL) | Audubon Seacoast Terraces (AST) | Audubon Seacove Place (ASP) | Audubon Seacrest Heights (ASH) | Audubon Seacrest Villas (AVL) | Audubon Seagate Colony (ASC) | Audubon Seascape Villas (ASV) | Audubon Seaway Collection (ACO) | Audubon Seawind Ridge (ASR) | Audubon Skyline (ASL) | Audubon Westridge (AWT) | Aurora (AURO) | Birch River (BIRR) | Calabria (CLB) | California Reflections (CRE) | California Renaissance (CAR) | California Summit (CASU) | Camden Park (CAMD) | Canterbury (CANT) | Cantora (CAN) | Canyon Point (CYNP) | Canyon View Estates (CYNV) | Canyon Villas (CANV) | Cape Series (CAPE) | Carmel (CRM) | City Walk (CITW) | Collage (COLL) | Colony (COLN) | Coronado (CORO) | Cottages (COT) | Cozumel (COUZ) | Crest (CRST) | Eagle Pointe (EP) | Flores Los Alisos (FLLA) | Gallery (GALL) | Glenwood Park (GP) | Glenwood Terrace (GT) | Glenwood Village (GV) | Greystone Colony (GRCO) | Hamptons (HAMP) | Harvest (HARV) | Heather Ridge (HEA) | Hillsborough (HILL) | Horizon (HORZ) | Islands (ISL) | Kensington (KENS) | Key West (KW) | La Mirage (LMIR) | Latitudes North (LATN) | Latitudes South (LATS) | Laurelmont (LAU) | Lyon Ridge (LYNR) | Memory Lane (MEML) | Milano (MILA) | Montelena (MTL) | Morningside (MOR) | Morningside Terrace (MST) | New World Condos (NW) | Orleans (ORLN) | Other (OTHR) | Pacific Grove (PG) | Pacific Ridge Breeze (PB) | Pacific Ridge Crest (PC) | Pacific Ridge Highlands (PH) | Pacific Ridge Palisades (PRL) | Pacific Ridge Pinnacle (PRP) | Pacific Ridge Ridge (RIDG) | Passeggio (PASG) | Promenade (PROM) | Provence D’Aliso (PDA) | San Simeon (SANS) | Westridge Alta Vista (ALTV) | Westridge Oakview (OAKV) | Westridge Silver Oaks (SILO) | Westridge Skyview (SKYV) | Soleil (SOLE) | St. Tropez (STP) | Talavera (TALV) | Talus (TALS) | The Pointe (PONT) | Tiburon (TIB) | Tivoli I (TIV1) | Tivoli II (TIV2) | Twelve Picket Lane (TWPK) | Ventana Ridge (VENT) | Victoria (VICT) | Villas North (VF) | Villas South (VS) | Vista De Oro (VSDO) | Vista Heights (VSHT) | Vista Plaza (VSPL) | Vista Pointe (VSPT) | Vista Ridge (VSRG) | Vista Terraza (VSTR) | Vistas Above Wood Canyon (VSWC) | Windflower (WFL) | Windsong (WS) | Windwards (WDW) | Woodlands (WOOD)

92656 Zip Code

92656 Zip Code

MLS Search of Aliso Viejo by Street Name in the 92656 Zip Code

Abbey | Abbeywood | Abruzzi | Acaso | Acorn | Aguila | Alberta | Alegre | Alicante | Alisal | Aliso Creek | Aliso Viejo | Alistair | Allaire | Allenwood | Amador | Amalfi | Amber | Ambrose | Amelia | Anacapa | Andaluz | Andando | Andrea | Argonaut | Ashbury | Ashwood | Astoria | Athena |Aurora | Aventine | Avon | Azalea | Bacchus | Baneberry | Barbados | Barcelona | Barrington | Bay Laurel | Bayberry | Baywood | Beacon | Bearberry | Beaumont | Beech | Beechwood | Bel Flora | Belvedere | Benchmark | Bentwood | Berkshire | Berrendo | Bienvenido | Big | Big Sur | Birch | Birchmont | Birchwood | Blackbird | Blue | Blue Heron | Blue Jay | Bluebird | Bluff Cove | Bob White | Bottlebrush | Boulder | Bramble | Brandy | Bravo | Breakers | Brentwood | Briarglenn | Briarwood | Bridle | Brittania | Brittany Bay | Brookline | Brookstone | Brooktree | Brownstone | Bryce | Burlingame | Cabrillo | Caledon | Calypso | Cambria | Cameo | Camillo | Camomile | Cancun | Candlewood | Cape Coral | Cape Victoria | Capobella | Cardinal | Carey | Carisma | Carlsbad | Carmel | Cartegena | Catalina Islands | Cayman Brac | Cedarbrook | Cellini | Chancey | Chandler | Channel Island | Charlemont | Chase | Chatham | Cherrywood | Chesterwood | Chestnut | Chickadee | Cinnamon Teal | Citadel | City Lights | Cliffwood | Cloudcrest | Clover | Coastal Oak | Coffeeberry | Collingwood | Colonial | Colony | Columbia | Compass | Conch Reef | Condor | Conejo | Connilaine | Constance | Coppercrest | Coralwind | Coronado Cay | Coronel | Cota | Cottage | Cottonwood | Country Walk | Coventry | Cranwell | Crestview | Crimson | Crystalglen | Cuervo | Cumberland | Cupertino | Dawn | Deerborn | Deerwood | Delfin | Destiny | Diamant | Diamond Gate | District | Dogwood | Dominguez | Donatello | Dove | Dunlin | Durango | Duray | Dusk | Eaglepoint | Edgewood | Edmonton | Egret | El Caprice | El Caserio | El Cerrito | El Reposa | El Rio | El Roble | Elderberry | Elderwood | Elmbrook | Emerald | Emeraude | Empire | Encore | Endless | Ensley | Enterprise | Estero Pointe | Eva | Evening Light | Fairfield | Falcon Crest | Falerno | Fawnridge | Firecrest | Firwood | Flintstone | Florentine | Foxborough | Francheshi | Front | Fuchsia | Fulmar | Gala | Gandolfo | Gatewood | Gauguin | Giotto | Giovanni | Glenoaks | Glenwood | Glittering Sky | Golden Eagle | Goldenfield | Goldenrain | Golf | Grandbriar | Greenborrow | Greenwich | Gretchen | Grindlay | Groveside | Halcyon | Haley | Harvest Point | Hawaii | Hawksmoor | Hazelbranch | Headland | Hearst | Heartwood | Heatherwood | Helmcrest | Heritage | Highpark | Highpoint | Hillgate | Hillrose | Hollyhock | Hollyleaf | Hollyoak | Hulsea | Hummingbird | Iglesia | Indigo | Iron Bark | Ivoire | Jacinto | Jaeger | Jocelyn | Jourdain | Journey | Kaitlyn | Kalmia | Kara | Kenilworth | Kerrwood | Kewen | Key Largo | King Eider | Kirra | Knollwood | La Mirage | La Paz | Lafayette | Laguna | Laguna Madre | Landmark | Lantana | Lanterna | Larkmead | Larkspur | Las Flores | Las Palmas | Laurel | Laurelwood | Laurent | Leeds | Lembogan | Leon | Liana | Liberty | Lighthouse | Lilac | Lindengrove | Los Adornos | Los Grandes | Los Palos | Louisa | Lucente | Lupita | Lynoak | Lyon | Macaw | Madia | Maison | Mallard | Mallorn | Mansera | Maple | Mareblu | Mariah | Marigold | Matinee | Matisse | Mayfair | Mayflower | Meadowbrook | Meadowood | Meadowpoint | Medici | Merced | Meridian | Merienda | Merlin | Mesa | Michelangelo | Midnight | Midtown | Mistral | Mondrian | Monstad | Montara | Montreal | Mosaic | Moulton | Nantais | Nantucket | Navajo | Night Heron | Nightingale | Nopalitos | Normandie | Northern Pine | Northwinds | Nutcracker | Oak Ridge | Oak Spring | Oak View | Oakgrove | Ocean Mist | Old Mission | Open View | Opera | Orchestra | Orion | Osprey | Ovation | Overture | Pacific Grove | Pacific Park | Pacifica | Palacio | Palatine | Palm | Pamplona | Panama | Pappagallo | Parisville | Park | Parkwood | Partridge | Patricia | Peacock | Pelicano | Peppertree | Pepperwood | Pheasant | Phoebe | Piccadilly | Picket | Pierremont | Pineoak | Pinyon Jay | Plateau | Playa | Pleasant | Plumeria | Polaris | Poplar | Prairie Falcon | Prescott | Primrose | Promontory | Pursuit | Quail | Quebec | Rainwood | Ramblewood | Rambling | Raven | Red Bud | Redstone | Remington | Rex | Richemont | Ridgecrest | Rincon | Riqueza | Roadrunner | Robin | Rockrose | Rosa | Rosewood | Rosy Finch | Roundtree | Rowan | Royal Tern | Rubis | Rue Du Chateau | Ryley | Sabatini | Saddleridge | Sagebrush | Sagunto | Saint Moritz | Salto | San Bittern | San Gabriel | San Juan | San Julian | San Marco | San Marcos | San Martine | San Miguel | San Pablo | San Rafael | Sanborn | Sandalwood | Sandbridge | Sandcastle | Sanderling | Sandpiper | Santa Barbara | Santa Clara | Santa Monica | Saphir | Satinbush | Scrub Oak | Sea | Segovia | Sentinel | Sequoia | Seton | Seven Kings | Shady Nook | Sherrelwood | Sherwood | Shining Star | Shorecliff | Sierra | Silkwood | Silveroak | Silverwind | Skygate | Skylark | Sobrante | Softwind | Soho | Solitaire | Somerset | Songbird | Sora | Southern Hills | Southside | Southwind | Spicewood | Spoonbill | Spring | Sprucewood | Starling | Stockbridge | Stone | Stonebrook | Stoneglen | Style | Sugar Gum | Sugarbush | Summerfield | Summerland | Summerwood | Sunbury | Sunswept Mesa | Surfbird | Swan | Sydney | Tamarac | Tanglewood | Theatre | Thornbird | Tigre | Timberbluff | Timberland | Titian | Tivoli | Toronto | Torres Pointe | Tortosa | Tortuga Cay | Tradewinds | Trail Canyon | Tranquila | Tricolored | Trillium | Trofello | Trumpeter | Tulare | Tularosa | Tulip | Tuolumne | Twinberry | University | Vancouver | Vantis | Vellisimo | Veneto | Venice | Ventana | Ventana Ridge | Verdin | Vermilion | Via San Miguel | Vista Del Canon | Vista Del Cerro | Vista Del Valle | Walnut | Warmspring | Water | Waxwing | Welbury | Wellington | Westerly | Whippoorwill | White Pelican | Whitewood | Wigeon | Wild Rose | Wildwood | Willet | Willow Wind | Willowood | Wimbledon | Windchime | Windflower | Windgate | Windhaven | Windridge | Windrose | Windsong | Windstar | Windswept | Wisteria | Wolverine | Wood Canyon | Woodcrest | Woodswallow | Wyndham | Yarrow | Yolanda

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