Newport Beach 92660

Global Perspective, Local Expertise™


Newport Beach has four zip codes: 92660 (NV), 92661 (NP), 92662 (N9), 92663 (N8)

Newport Beach Neighborhoods

East Bluff-Harbor View (NV) | West Bay-Santa Ana Heights (N7) | Balboa Peninsula (NP) | Lower Newport Bay-Balboa Island (N9) | Newport Heights (N6) | West Newport-Lido Isle (N8)

92660 Zip Code

92660 Zip Code

MLS Search of the East Bluff-Harbor View Neighborhood of Newport Beach, CA 92660 by Tract

Balboa (One Ford Road) (OFBB) | Bayridge (BRID) | Bayview Court (BVCT) | Bayview Terrace (BVTR) | Belcourt Custom (BLCS) | Belcourt Gallery (BLGL) | Belcourt Hill (BLHL) | Belcourt Manor (BLMR) | Belcourt Terrace (BLTR) | Belcourt Towne Collection (BLTC) | Big Canyon Broadmoor (BCBM) | Big Canyon Custom (BCCS) | Big Canyon Deane (BCDN) | Big Canyon Fairway One (BCFO) | Big Canyon McLain (BCMC) | Big Canyon Villa (BCVA) | Bluffs Homes on the Bay (BNHB) | Bluffs Original (BORI) | Bluffs Park Homes (BNPK) | Bluffs Plaza Area (BOPL) | Bluffs Tennis Villas (BNTV) | Carmel (OFCM) | Eastbluff Lusk (EBLK) | Eastbluff Macco (EBMO) | Fashion Island (FASI) | Granville (GRNV) | Harbor Cove Palisades (HCPS) | Harbor Cove Promenade (HCPM) | Harbor Hill (HARH) | Harbor Island (HARI) | Harbor Ridge Crest (HRCR) | Harbor Ridge Custom (HRCS) | Harbor Ridge Estates (HRES) | Harbor View Homes (HVHM) | Harbor View Knoll (HKNL) | Linda Isle (LIND) | Lucera (BCYL) | Madison (BCYM) | Newport Hills Estates (NHES) | Newport North Townhomes (NNTH) | Newport North Villas (NNVL) | Other (OTHR) | Pacific Heights (OFPH) | Promontory Bay (PBAY) | Promontory Bay Custom (PBCS) | Providence (OFPV) | Sea Island Lusk (SILK) | Sea Island McLain (SIML) | Seaview (SEAV) | Seawind (HVSW) | Stonybrook (OFSB) | Summer House (OFSH) | Villa Granada (VGRN) | Villa Point (VILP) | Wyndover Bay (BCYW)

MLS Search of West Bay-Santa Ana Heights Neighborhood of Newport Beach, CA 92660 by Tract

Back Bay Anniversary Homes (BBAN) | Back Bay Commercial (BBCM) | Back Bay Condos (BBCD) | Back Bay Custom Homes (BBCS) | Baycrest (BC) | Baycrest Harbor Highlands (BCHM) | Baycrest “J” Series (BCJ) | Baycrest “L” Series (BCL) | Baycrest Newport Estates (BCNE) | Baycrest North (BCNO) | Baycrest “R” Series (BCR) | Baycrest South (BCSO) | Bayside Village (BAYV) | Bonnie Bay Highland Homes (UBHH) | Castaways (CAST) | Cherry Lake Estates (UBLE) | Cherry Lake Area (UBCL) | Dover Shores (DSAM) | Dover Shores “100” Series (DSA1) | Dover Shores “300” Series (DSA3) | Dover Shores “400” Series (DSA4) | Dover Shores “500” Series (DSA5) | Dover Shores “In-site” (DSAI) | Dover Shores “JM” (DSAJ) | Dover Shores “MS” (DSAS) | Dover Shores Viewpoint (DSAV) | Dover Village (CWDV) | Harbor Highlands I (HH01) | Harbor Highlands II (HH02) | John Wayne Business District (JWBD) | Newport Garden Villas (CWGV) | Newport Glen (NGLN) | Newport Villas (CWNV) | North Bay Homes (SANB) | Other (OTHR) | Santa Ana Country Club Area (SACC) | Santa Ana Heights Commercial (SAHC) | Santa Ana Heights Residential (SAHR) | Upper Newport Bay (UBNB) | Vista Bahia (BBVB) | Westcliff East (WCDE) | Westcliff Grove (WCGR) | Westcliff “Letter Series” (WC) | Westcliff Villa (CWWV) | Westcliff West (WCDW) | Windward East Homes (UBWE)

MLS Search of the West Bay-Santa Ana Heights Neighborhood of Newport Beach, CA 92660 by Street Name

MLS Search of the East Bluff-Harbor View Neighborhood of Newport Beach, CA 92660 by Street Name

22nd | 23rd | Acacia | Aldebaran | Alder | Alderwood | Aleppo | Alicante | Almond | Alta Vista | Amalfi | Amigos | Anita | Anniversary | Anondale | Antigua | Aralia | Arbutus | Arch Bay | Ashford | August | Augusta | Avocado | Azure | Back Bay | Baja | Bamboo | Barranca | Barrenger | Basswood | Bastia | Bay Cove | Bay Farm | Bay Hill | Baycrest | Baypointe | Bayport | Bayside | Bayview | Baywood | Beacon Bay | Bedford | Belcourt | Bellis | Belmont | Berkshire | Beryl | Big Canyon | Birch | Bison | Blackthorn | Blue Gum | Boardwalk | Bonaire | Bonita Canyon | Bordeaux | Bradbury | Braeburn | Braemar | Brindisi | Bristol | Brittany | Bruinbark | Buckeye | Buckingham | Bunya | Burning Tree | Buttonshell | Cambridge | Camelback | Campana | Campanile | Camphor | Campo | Campus | Cancha | Candlestick | Canyon | Canyon Fairway | Canyon Island | Cape Andover | Cape Danbury | Cape Woodbury | Carlos | Carlotta | Carob | Cartagena | Cassia | Castaways | Catalpa | Ceiba | Celtis | Centella | Cercis | Cerritos | Cervantes | Chadbourne | Chatham | Cherbourg | Cherry Hills | Cherry Tree | Cheshire | Chesterfield | Chestnut | Chico | Churchill | Citrus | Civic Center | Coast | Colonial | Colony | Commodore | Concord | Corella | Corinthian | Cormorant | Cornwall | Corporate Plaza | Corsica | Corte | Caleta | Corte Hermosa | Corte Linda | Corte Marin | Corte Portal | Corte Portofino | Corte San Rafael | Coventry | Crestwood | Crooked Stick | Cumberland | Cumbre | Cypress | Cypress Point | Dartmouth | Deborah | Deerwood | Descanso | Devon | Diana | Dolphin Striker | Domingo | Donnie | Doris | Dorothy | Dove | Dover | Eastbluff | Edgewood | Egret | El Dorado | Emerson | Encina | Enero | Esperanza | Esplanade | Esquina | Essex | Estelle | Estuary | Eton | Evening Star | Fairhill | Felipe | Feliz | Fiesta | Ford | Fortuna | Francisco | Fuentes | Galaxy | Gannet | Gaviota | Geneve | Gleneagles | Glenwood | Glorieta | Golden | Gorgonia | Granville | Greenbriar | Grove | Hampshire | Harbor | Harbor Island | Harbor Ridge | Harbor Woods | Harrow | Hartford | Haverfield | Heather | Hermitage | High Bluff | Highland | Hillcrest | Hillsborough | Hillsdale | Hillside | Hilltop | Hillview | Hilvanar | Holiday | Honors | Huntington | Indian Springs | Indus | Inverness | Ironwood | Irvine | Jamboree | Jupiter Hills | Kathleen | Kensington | Kent | Kline | La Linda | La Rochelle | Ladera | Lake Park | Landport | Largo | Laurent | Laver | Leesbury | Leeward | Lexington | Liberty | Lincoln | Linda | Lochmoor | Loggia | Long Bay | Lorenzo | Lucerne | Lucia | Lyndhurst | MacArthur | Madison | Maidstone | Mar Vista | Marble Sands | Marian | Marina | Mariners | Marlin | Marsala | Martingale | Mayflower | Meadow | Mesa | Milano | Molino | Monaco | Monte Carlo | Montgomery | Montpellier | Morning Star | Muirfield | Naples | Napoli | Narbonne | Nata | Nautilus | Newport Center | Newport Glen | Newport Hills | Newport Place | Newporter | Northampton | Nottingham | Novia | Oak Crest | Oak Tree | Oakmont | Ocean | Old Course | Onda | Orchard | Orchid | Orchid Hill | Otero | Oxford | Palazzo | Paloma | Paper | Park Newport | Pauma | Peach Tree | Pegasus | Pelican | Pembroke | Peppertree | Perla | Pescador | Pine Valley | Pinehurst | Plata | Playa | Plymouth | Polaris | Port Abbey | Port Aberdeen | Port Albans | Port Ashley | Port Barmouth | Port Bishop | Port Bristol | Port Cardiff | Port Cardigan | Port Carlisle | Port Carlow | Port Carney | Port Charles | Port Chelsea | Port Claridge | Port Dunleigh | Port Durness | Port Edward | Port Harwick | Port Hemley | Port Kimberly | Port Laurent | Port Lerwick | Port Locksleigh | Port Manleigh | Port Margate | Port Nelson | Port Provence | Port Ramsgate | Port Renwick | Port Seabourne | Port Sheffield | Port Stanhope | Port Stirling | Port Taggart | Port Tiffin | Port Townsend | Port Trinity | Port Westbourne | Port Weybridge | Port Wheeler | Port Whitby | Posada | Princeton | Priscilla | Private | Promontory | Quail | Quedada | Raqueta | Redlands | Regents | Residencia | Revere | Ridgeline | Rigel | Riverside | Rivoli | Rockingham | Royal Saint George | Rue Biarritz | Rue Cannes | Rue Chamonix | Rue Chantilly | Rue Chateau Royal | Rue Deauville | Rue Du Parc | Rue Fontainbleau | Rue Fontaine | Rue Grand Ducal | Rue Grand Vallee | Rue Marseille | Rue Montreux | Rue Saint Cloud | Rue Valbonne | Rue Verte | Rue Villars | Ruth | Rutland | Saint Tropez | Salerno | Salzburg | San Antonio | San Bruno | San Clemente | San Joaquin | San Joaquin Hills | San Marco | San Miguel | San Nicolas | San Sebastian | Sandalwood | Santa Ana | Santa Barbara | Santa Isabel | Santiago | Saratoga | Savanna | Sawgrass | Scott | Sea Cove | Sea Island | Sea Pine | Sea Ridge | Seabluff | Seaborough | Seabrook | Seawind | Shearwater | Shellmaker | Sherwood | Shipway | Sierra | Silver | Singletree | Skylark | Somerset | Southampton | Spanish Bay | Spring Tide | Spruce | Star | Starlight | Strafford | Summer House | Sussex | Sylvia | Teller | Teresita | Terrapin | Thunderbird | Torrey Pines | Toulon | Toyon | Tradewinds | Trafalgar | Tremont | Troon | Turnberry | Turtle Bay | Tustin | University | Upper Bay | Upper Newport | Valencia | Valerio | Ventaja | Victoria | Vienna | Vilaggio | Villa Point | Vintage | Vista Baya | Vista Bonita | Vista Cajon | Vista Caudal | Vista Del Oro | Vista Dorado | Vista Entrada | Vista Flora | Vista Grande | Vista Hogar | Vista Huerta | Vista Laredo | Vista Madera | Vista Nobleza | Vista Ornada | Vista Parada | Vista Quinta | Vista Roma | Vista Suerte | Vista Trucha | Vista Umbrosa | Vivian | Von Karman | Warwick | Wellington | Wentworth | Westcliff | Westerly | Westport | Westridge | Weybridge | Weymouth | Whitecliffs | Whitehall | Wind | Windsor | Windward | Winged Foot | Winthrop | Woodburne | Yacht Camilla | Yacht Colinia | Yacht Daphne | Yacht Defender | Yacht Enchantress | Yacht Grayling | Yacht Julia | Yacht Maria | Yacht Mischief | Yacht Puritan | Yacht Radiant | Yacht Resolute | Yacht Truant | Yacht Vigilant | Yacht Vindex | Yacht Wanderer | Yacht Yankee | Yorkshire | Yorktown | Zenith

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